Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting Back to Nature

Today I found myself driving out of town with one of my closest friends... I’ll call her Jill.
Jill and I haven’t always been close but our friendship is one i plan to maintain for many years to come. She's a bright, talented, very beautiful girl. Very family orientated. This is somewhat different to mine I guess. Her parents are together and they are all very tight nit.
Today I had three in the car; Jill and I and her youngest sibling (ill call him Joe)
We left our little city and headed for the hills... a rainforest with a few gorgeous to swim in. The walk…well I won’t lie; I’ve been in far better shape that’s for sure! Walk left me feeling like I could use a triple bi bas at any moment... must do something about that.
Finally getting to the ice cold water was a 50/50 feeling of overwhelming relief and to the core freezing. The fresh water with my best mate and being able to show Joe around and the creatures to be seen and heard was a great feeling. Somewhat rewarding.
I’ve been to these spots more times than I can count on my fingers and toes; so one could say that i knew the place fairly well.

As the day led on and our tummies began to rumble; we trekked back down the mountain in good spirits. After not even two minutes thunder rolled through the mountains. We all looked at each other in confusion not quite comprehending. None of us had ever been up there while it rained. You could feel the rumble of the thunder around us through your feet and chest.
The clouds where so low and the mountain is quite high. We were quite literally in the clouds! Through the break of the rainforest balcony we could glimpse the storm that was building around us.
Wish I had taken my camera to capture the moment; though i doubt it would do it anywhere near justice...
Driving home there the storm was following us; rain so heavy I could barely see the road ahead!
It was a tad bazaar; again i got a moment of clarity through the rain; rolling bright green hills with showers of rain coming down in a fine mist. It was something out of a movie! Again kicking myself for the lack of camera! The one time I leave the house without it and BAM! A day full of beautiful shots missed!
The lightening was everywhere; quite close at time. Nature sure did put on a show!
welcome to the tropics!
Sometimes nature can show you things, things you may never get to see or feel again. Makes you put things into prospective. Our existence is at the mercy of the ever powerful Mother Nature.
Beauty is everywhere if your prepared to see.

I'm prepared to say I live a fairly outdoorsy (just making words up) lifestyle. It's hard to avoid here as... well...there isn’t much else to do.
Living in the Whitsundays I’m surrounded sights such as the Great Barrier Reef & White heaven; it's simply hard to avoid let alone resist!
This was taken at Shout Harbour on a quick fishing trip.

Anyhow that was my days adventures.
Be safe


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